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When purchasing home appliances, we usually go for the ones we think are best and would last longer because we want a device that would continue to work over a long period. So, it is only natural for us to be pleased when such a device is inactive and healthy for the entire period of its life expectancy and beyond.
Blenders are not any different, and to help our blenders to remain powerful for a very long period, there are a few “do’s” and “don’ts” that we need to pay attention to. They ensure our blenders would remain in perfect working condition.
As you read on, you will find some simple maintenance tips for your blender. They may seem small and insignificant, but they should be approached with all seriousness and a sense of responsibility to the blender as ignoring them may lead to severe and early damages to your blender.
Top 10 Blender Maintenance Tips

1. Read Your Instruction Manual
The first thing you should do as you unbox your new blender is to read the manufacturer’s instruction manual carefully. By doing this, you would learn firsthand everything there is to know about your blender. Some of these things may differ from one blender to another, so instead of assuming that you already know, take time to understand better to help your blender do better.

2. Use Your Blender Correctly
After you’ve read the instruction manual, it is vital to apply all that you know to running your blender. For example, make sure that you mount the jars correctly before blending. Also, ensure that you seal the lid properly before blending, and that you do not run the blender longer than the designated operation time. Additionally, ensure that you take breaks in-between blends.
Make sure you know the types of ingredients that your blender can handle and avoid those too tough for it. Arrange your food in suitable sequences that allow effective blending, and also try to cut food materials into small sizes to help the blades cut quickly. You also have to learn to change speed settings appropriately.

3. Cleaning
Cleaning should be done immediately after use. There is always the urge to wait until later, but cleaning up the blender immediately after use ensures that food particles won’t dry up on the blender parts and cause damage. Cleaning also has to be done in the ways best recommended by the manufacturer. Not all blender parts are dishwasher safe. So, you have to be careful to clean only the ones indicated explicitly as dishwasher safe in the dishwasher. For those parts that are not safe for the dishwasher, you can use a dish sponge and soap to wash them and rinse them with clean water.
Another easy way to clean all blenders is by self-cleaning them. You only have to pour a little soap and water into the jar, seal it and run for a few seconds, after which you can now rinse with clean water and dry it. Ensure that all parts are properly dry before you store away the blender.
As for the base, never immerse it in water. You can easily wipe it with a damp towel after each use.

4. Regular Maintenance
This is also when you check for any damages or threats of future damage. The slightest snag or tear may result in even more significant problems. It is better to prevent that by replacing damaged parts immediately.

5. Avoid Overworking Your Blender
Every Blender has a designated amount of activity that it can perform, and once it reaches its threshold, it will burn out. Overworking your blender leads to overheating.
You overwork your blender by using it to perform functions that are too advanced for it, by overloading the jar with a lot of ingredients, blending nonstop, and making more batches than the blender is capable of.
The easiest way a blender can break down is if its motor overheats regularly, and the only way to prevent this is to avoid overworking the blender.

6. Keep the Blender Unplugged When It is Not in Use
Leaving your blender connected to a power source when it is not in use not only wastes electricity but also weakens the parts of the blender’s motor. So to keep your blender safe and active, always unplug the blender from the power source when it is not in use.

7. Remove Rust Quickly
Whenever you notice any tiny particles of rust on any of the parts of your blender, quickly take measures to remove it as it may soon result in more extensive damage in your blender. It is also hazardous to your health once it gets into your food.
To get rid of rust, you would need to make a paste with baking powder and apply it to the affected areas, remove the rust with steel wool and then rinse underwater.
If the rust is still present after this process, you need to replace the affected part.

8. Do Not Run The Blender Empty
Running a blender empty can cause as much damage as overworking it can. The blades would run too fast and wear out quickly. This also applies to blenders that do not do well with very little quantity; try to avoid running them with little quantities as they may wear out quickly.

9. Store in a Dry Place
Always ensure that wherever you store away your blender is dry and that all parts of the blender are dry before you keep it away to prevent damages to any components or rusting.

10. Use Your Blender for Appropriate Functions Only
Blenders are not food processors as they should not be made to perform tasks originally for food processors. You should also not try to blend any other object like your phone or anything because you are testing the device’s effectiveness.
Final Thoughts
All these small steps are what you need to ensure the safe and sound performance of your blender over the years. Now you don’t have to waste money replacing damaged blenders over and over again when you know how to take the best care of your blender.
These steps are easy and would not take up so much effort to perform. So, it should be fun rather than stressful to keep your blender in great shape and working condition for years. This way, you don’t even need a warranty or have to return any parts.