KitchenAid KHBBV53 Cordless Hand Blender Review

6 min readThe KitchenAid KHBBV53 blender is very effective and versatile. It is suitable for your soups, smoothies, and soft fruits. Likewise, it is an excellent choice for mixing cake and cookie batter, baby food, whipped cream, chocolate, and emulsifying mayonnaise. Although, it can do all these, is that all to this cordless blender? Read to know more.

Bamix Gastro Pro-2 G200 Hand Blender Review

7 min readThe Bamix brand has been very successful at providing users all around the world with the best experience with hand blenders. The G200 Gastro Pro blender is a step ahead; it’s suitable for cutting, chopping, puréeing, mincing, and crushing. In this review, we would be discussing all you need to know about the Gastro Pro-2.